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Playing With / Self-Care Epiphany

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Basic Trope: Someone who constantly looks out for others learns to take time for their own well-being.

  • Straight: Bob starts to burn out from his heroism duties. After the events of the episode, he learns that he needn't push himself too hard, for his physical and mental well-being is also important. The episode ends with Bob taking up a new hobby to give himself some downtime.
  • Exaggerated: Bob cares for others to the point that he hasn't eaten anything for 10 years. Literally everyone he knows yells at him to take a vacation for several months. Some are resorting to acting violently towards Bob to cow him into taking a break.
  • Downplayed: Bob still overworks himself, but starts eating a bit more healthily.
  • Justified:
    • Bob has a heart condition and too much stress could kill him.
    • Others are taking advantage of Bob's lack of boundaries.
    • If Bob collapses under the strain, so does the entire group.
    • In the setting, ignoring one's negative emotions and letting them fester (as opposed to acknowledging and dealing with them in a healthy way) can create literal monsters.
    • Since Bob is so devoted to helping others, he thinks it'd be hypocritical to not accept help.
    • Bob is secretly rendering the rest of the team into We Are "Team Cannon Fodder", and people are starting to notice that they're getting less responsibilities every day.
  • Inverted: Bob, a self-centered slacker, learns to look out for others.
  • Subverted: The "hobby" Bob takes up turns out to be volunteering.
  • Double Subverted: He finds volunteering personally fulfilling and a chance to make new friends and experience something fresh.
  • Parodied: Bob starts acting like a self-indulgent jerk and calls it self-care.
  • Zig-Zagged: Bob starts out taking more breaks, but keeps falling back into old habits. Finally the lesson sticks - only for circumstances to begin demanding more time and energy from him than ever before.
  • Averted:
    • Bob continues to overburden himself, and nobody calls him out on it, or even notices that he's being overburdened. This may be Bob's plan all along.
    • Bob never overburdened himself in the first place.
  • Enforced: Moral Guardians claim Bob's character is holding audiences to unrealistic and destructive standards of altruism and productivity. The show is pressured to have Bob learn about the importance of self-care.
  • Invoked: Alice finds Bob collapsed on the floor and gets panicked about how he's destroying himself.
  • Defied: Bob stubbornly growls that Weakness Is Just a State of Mind, and works himself to actually make himself endure harder working hours. The 80 hour work week and having to look out for everyone may help matters in his endurance. Either way, he's not getting any help anytime soon.
  • Discussed: "Bob, if you don't look after yourself now and again, how are you going to be able to look after others?"
  • Conversed: "Finally, Bob's learned he doesn't have to take on the weight of the world."
  • Deconstructed: Bob realises he sorely needs self-care... but between having to work 80 hours a week and look out for his family, it isn't going to happen.
  • Reconstructed: Bob's loved ones offer to share some of his duties.
